Class as "Unmatched CI" should not be classified by the DiscoveryIssue Some of the Configuration items are feeder through sources like vulnerability(VR). This creates "Unmatched CI" Class category are populated onto sn_sec_cmn_unmatched_ci. The "Unmatched CI" class category should not be re-classified by the discovery.ReleaseAllCauseDiscovery is re- classifying the "un-matched" Class CIsResolutionYou can add a new rule under the CI identification rules screen shots attached for the reference. Applying rule on Hardware table: Login to the instance In Navigator search for Configuration section Select CI identifiers >Select Hardware Rule Open record and select advanced view of the Record. Under Optional condition section add below condition: "Class" is not "Unmatched CI" Once the condition is added save the record. Related LinksIdentify applications in Application Vulnerability Response automatically