Performance Health Scan finds the issue - The current.update() is present in Business Rule "Run remediations for CMDB Health task"DescriptionThe Performance Health Scan reports the following issue: The current.update() is present in Business Rule "Run remediations for CMDB Health task" Based on the KB0715782 Recommended Practices:"In an "after" Business Rule current.update() should also not be used. Any action that might be performed in an After Business Rule can usually have been added in a high ordered Before Business Rule, eliminating any need for an explicit update() function call. In addition, updating in an After Business Rule will cause all Before Business Rules to run again, which, as mentioned previously could cause performance processing issues."Below the OOB Business Rule "Run remediations for CMDB Health task" code:/ var remediations = SNC.RemediationUtil.getRemediationsForTask(current.sys_id, true);for (var i=0; i<remediations.length; i++) {var remed = remediations[i];var id = remed.sys_id;var name =;var workflow = remed.workflow;var wfName = remed.workflow_name;var cntx = new Workflow().startFlow(workflow, current, null, null);var msg = buildMessage(id, name, workflow, wfName, cntx);current.work_notes = msg;current.update(); <---------------------- Note the line here}function buildMessage(id, name, workflow, wfName, wfContext) {return 'Workflow \"' + wfName + '\" ('+workflow + ') started '+'per remediation rule \"' + name + '\" (' + id + '). ';// 'Check Workflow Context ' + wfContext + 'for progress.';} Steps to Reproduce 1. Execute Health ScanExpected behaviorAs per best practices, current.update() should not be used in Business Rules such as "Run remediations for CMDB Health task" Actual behavior The current.update() is present in Business Rule "Run remediations for CMDB Health task"WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available.Related Problem: PRB1558282