Mega Menu is not appearing in portal configured for Employee CenterIssue After working through the process of cloning baseline topics and applying a taxonomy to an instance with Employee Center Pro active, it is not displaying the mega menu in the target portal.ReleaseRome+CauseThere are a number of reasons Mega Menu may not be displaying. Please review resolution for notes on: General Configuration of TaxonomyPortal ConfigurationResolutionGeneral Configuration of Taxonomy The Docs on Mega Menu mention a couple of notes indicating why Mega Menu may not appear as expected:Only the active topics that have connected content are shown in the mega menu. For example, ensure all child topics have connected content. You can view topics on the mega menu only if you have access to at least one connected content. Portal Configuration Ensure the '/xyz' portal configured for Employee Center Pro is utilizing the 'EC Theme' or a copy thereof. If it's set to another theme, the Mega Menu may not be included.Related LinksAssociate a catalog item with a taxonomy topic in the Employee CenterCommunity article discussing Mega Menu not appearing on instance.Employee Center community HUBService Portal widget is not loading at all for external users (someone with snc_external role)