Remove field from control's side panel in workspace - 'Control Sidebar'SummaryHow to remove key control field from control's side panel in the workspace - 'Control Sidebar'ReleaseAnyInstructionsTo hide the sections of the Agent workspace you can follow the steps: 1. Navigate to filter navigator 'Now Experience Framework' > 'UI builder' 2. From 'My experiences' select 'GRC Workspace' 3. Click on page in the top-left corner and search for 'Control Sidebar' 4. From the Content section select element you wish to hide - for example, 'Container 1' 5. In the top right corner click on the 'eye' icon - 'Edit Component Visibility' 6. Switch to 'Config' tab in the right pane 7. Highlight 'component visibility' and click on 'code' icon -'</>' 8. In the pop-up replace value in the line #7 with 'return 'true';' 9. Repeat steps #4-#8 for all elements you wish to hide.