How to Install/Request Integration Hub PluginSummaryFollow the instructions to install/Request the Integration Hub plugin.InstructionsRequest Plugin : Please check below documentation link to request the Integration Hub Plugin: Request Integration Hub Documentation Link Otherwise follow below step by step instructions : 1. Navigate to [Now Support] > Automation Store > Service Catalog 2. Click Activate Plugin [Required] In What is your target instance, select the instance on which to activate the plugin.[Required] In Which plugin would you like to activate, enter the name of the plugin to activate. If any of the following scenarios apply, please select the checkbox Plugin I'm looking for is not listed: - You don't see the plugin you are trying to activate in the list- The system is saying that you do not have the required subscription- The system is saying that the requested plugin is already active in the instance [Required] Select the preferred date/time that the plugin activation should begin. Please note, you will not be able to select a date/time sooner than 2 business days. ServiceNow teams require 2 business days to process plugin activation requests. Once a plugin has been approved, customers or anyone in Support will be able to reschedule to an earlier or later planned start date.[Optional] In Reason/Comments, provide any information that would be helpful for the ServiceNow personnel activating the plugin. For example, if you need the plugin activated at a specific time instead of during one of the default activation windows. 3. Click Submit. Please note:List of plugins are filtered based on compatibility of the selected instance. If you are unable to find the specific plugin you are looking for, Tick the "Plugin I'm looking for is not listed" and then write down the name of the plugin in question⮑ A change will then be created and further communication shall be sent out to you via the change from the Plugin Approval Managers for the activation. * Check below link for more details : Plugin Activation Overview If you wanted to verify the Subscription in the instance, please refer below KB: Instructions to validate if plugin is entitled under subscription Note : Non-prod(Dev, Test) instances Integration Hub Subscription not requiredRelated LinksHow to check Plugin Installed successfully in the Instance : Integration Hub Plugin (com.glide.hub.integrations) is a MAINT access plugin please follow the below steps to view the plugin You can check to see what plugins are currently active in an instance by using the following instructions: 1. Login to the instance that the plugin activation was requested for.2. Type "sys_plugins.list" in the filter navigator and hit enter.3. On the page that loads, use the search bar at the top of content window to search for the desired plugin by plugin name or plugin ID. Refer the KB for more information on Plugins