Ignoring manual endpoints from "servicesAffectedByCI" in Script Include CIUtilsDescriptionThe result of function "servicesAffectedByCI" in Script Include CIUtils may not match nodes showing on Dependency View. This is because the nodes on Dependency View might be linked via manual endpoints (which can be created by discovery / service mapping), which are not displayed on Dependency View. For example, on dependency view, it may show: Node A - Connect to - Node B, meaning Node B is a parent to Node A. However there might be CI relations: Node A - Connect to - Manual Endpoint - Connect to Node B, meaning Manual Endpoint is a parent to Node A. Steps to Reproduce Run "servicesAffectedByCI" function in Script Include CIUtils for a CI, not all affected Services showing on dependency view are returned.WorkaroundYou may review attached workaround - a script include which is a rebuilt version of CIUtils. It filters out manual endpoints connections when calculating parents.Related Problem: PRB1560654