What would be the best way to send out weekly notifications of "List of top contributors" in community?Issue What would be the best way to send out weekly notifications of "List of top contributors"? Do you have any idea how to get "List of top contributors"?ResolutionOOB "Community Leaderboard Page" widget which can be found here:/nav_to.do?uri=sp_widget.do?sys_id=e803276ac32e3200998710c422d3ae4b The data that is presented on the widget comes from the client script and ultimately boils down to this REST call: api/sncommunities/v1/community/leaderboard The rest call ends up calling a sys_ws_operation record called "Leaderboard" that has this entry: var leaderboard = new Community_Factory().getWrapperType(CommunityConstants.GAMIFICATION); Community_Factory is a script include which ends up calling: case CommunityConstants.GAMIFICATION:return new Community_BaseFactory().getWrapperType(resourceName); Community_BaseFactory is another script include. That has this code: case CommunityConstants.GAMIFICATION:return new CommunityGamification(); CommunityGamification is another script include. This appears to be where all the leaderboard data is being called from. The data that is used for the leaderboard is in the sn_gamification_point_aggregate table .You can use this table to extract the data and details and then use this for your custom notifications. I do not see any OOB way to achieve this as per documentation- https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/sandiego-customer-service-management/page/product/customer-communities/reference/gamification-ui-leaderboard.html- https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/rome-customer-service-management/page/product/customer-communities/reference/gamification-components-notify.htmlYou can make use of the notifications and set it up for the TOP contributorsRead more about notifications here - https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/rome-servicenow-platform/page/administer/notification/reference/notifications.html