E.164 phone number field (E164) returns invalid when modified in San DiegoIssue When snc_internal users try to modify a phone number E.164 field, the field is highlighted in red color and does not allow saving the record throwing the error message 'Invalid phone number'. Symptoms The field is highlighted in red colorThis will happen even if field contains a value and same value is pasted again into the same field"Security restrictions on script include: PhoneNumberFormatter" on NodeLogs Steps to Reproduce Go to any instance with Explicit Roles plugin enabledModify any phone number field (say 'Business Phone') to 'Phone Number E164' typeImpersonate any snc_internal userOpen any 'sys_user' record and make sure the E164 field is added to the form layout. Copy the existing value for 'Business Phone' field, delete the value and paste the value in the same field againThe field is highlighted in red and produces the error 'Invalid Phone Number' when trying to save the form and does not let the form to be savedReleaseSan DiegoCauseThe script include 'PhoneNumberFormatter' is responsible for the phone number validation every time the field is modified and can be found from the following URL: https://INSTANCE_NAME.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_script_include.do?sys_id=91274001eb110100bf22a5fc5206fe72The form will call the script include as a client_callable_script_include to perform the validation when the field is modified from within the form.There is a new ACL in San Diego for the 'PhoneNumberFormatter' to be able to execute the 'client_callable_script_include' function: https://INSTANCE_NAME.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_security_acl.do?sys_id=8d9b089087113010e04358d8f6cb0b06According to the description, this will enable execution for snc_internal and snc_external when submitting phone numbers stored in the E164 format.However, the ACL has only 'snc_external' and 'snc_internal' role is missing; the script include is not called and the phone number is not being validatedResolution- PRB1574345 has been created to address this issue - Adding the required role snc_internal to the ACL could temporarily resolve the issue until there is an update on the PRB (Check internal notes)