"Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns" contains a code error in the Zookeeper PatternDescription"Discovery and Service Mapping Patterns" contains a code error in the Zookeeper Pattern.Steps to Reproduce Open the zookeeper pattern and check step 21Parse Node Logswe can see there is a code change. This is the published codeEVAL(javascript: var rtrn = '';var idData = ${broker_ids[].desc};var rtrn= '';var failover_patt = /\/\/([^\s+\.]+)/gi;var patt = /host":"([^".]+)","version.*/gi;var match = patt.exec(idData);if(match) { rtrn = match[1]; if(rtrn == "null") { var match2 = failover_patt.exec(idData); if(match2) { rtrn = match2[1] }}} else { var match3 = failover_patt.exec(idData); if(match2) { rtrn = match2[1] }}rtrn;)but, the code should be:EVAL(javascript: var rtrn = '';var idData = ${broker_ids[].desc};var rtrn= '';var failover_patt = /\/\/([^\s+\.]+)/gi;var patt = /host":"([^".]+)","version.*/gi;var match = patt.exec(idData);if(match) { rtrn = match[1]; if(rtrn == "null") { var match2 = failover_patt.exec(idData); if(match2) { rtrn = match2[1] }}} else { var match3 = failover_patt.exec(idData); if(match3) { rtrn = match3[1] }}rtrn;)WorkaroundThis problem has been fixed. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In or Intended Fix Version fields to determine whether any versions have a planned or permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1558027