Users are unable to install app-customizations for ServiceNow-authored Store apps installed as dependency with block_install for a higher version of the app set to trueDescriptionWhen trying to update an app-customization the pop-up window does not appear because is set to true for higher versions of the app. The customization version based on lower version of the app can not be installed. The update button fails to show active when picking the customization version from the combo box.Steps to Reproduce Install version 1 of an app from the all apps page.Set block_install to true for version 2 of the app by modifying the compatibility list in app store.Try installing a customization-based version 1 of the app. The update button is active but the pop-up window does not appear.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in an upcoming release patch. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1552562