[Service Portal] The value of Cascade Variables are collected from Order Guide when submitting an Order GuideDescriptionIssue Description:[Portal] The value of Cascade Variables are collected from Order Guide when submitting an Order GuideSteps to Reproduce 1. Log in as admin.2. Create an Order Guide "Test Order Guide".Enable "Casecade Variables".3. Add a "Checkbox" Variable "User[user]" to the Order Guide.4. Create a Catalog Item "Test Catalog Item".5. Add a ListCollector Variable "User[user]" refer to the "sys_user" table to the Catalog Item.6. Add the "Test Catalog Item" to "Test Order Guide".7. Access the Order Guide on Portal.Select "User" true in the Order Guide.Select some user records for the "User" variable in the Catalog Item.8. Submit the Order Guide.9. Go to the Requested Item created for the "Test Catalog Item".Expected behaviorThe value of User in the Variable Editor should be some user records selected in step 7.Actual behaviorThe value of User in the Requested Item created from the Catalog Item is empty.Check "sc_item_option_mtom" and "sc_item_option" table, the value of User is stored as true.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanent fix.Related Problem: PRB1559003