Due date greyed out in VTB for ITIL/ADMIN usersIssue The 'Due Date' field present in the cards of the VTB is read-only even for ITIL and admin users. This KB describes one of the reason why you could see this behaviour.CauseSome how the due date field was set to sys_updated_on for the specific VTB board from backend. As this is a system field so it is not editable in VTB.ResolutionOpen the VTB from backend , as in below https://instance-name.service-now.com/vtb_board_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_id%3D5406eae31bd7bc103f93eca8ab4bcb07&sysparm_view= Check the due_date field , instead of sys_updated_on, it should be due_date.