Incorrect translation on Walk-up Appointment confirmation pageIssue Incorrect translation on Walk-up Appointment confirmation page. Impersonate Admin Open /sp?id=walkup_online_checkinSelect a Standort (Location)Click "Einen Termin planen"Select a reason "Ich benotige etwas"Select "Termin auswählen" ( date of appointment)Click "Termin planen" Actual:The hour (hr) is not translated, it is still in English Expected:The hour should be translated to "h."CauseThe Message entry (/ is the root cause of the issue.ResolutionManually identify the corresponding entry for HR or hr (it is NOT case sensitive while checking for duplicates) and change the sys_ui_message entry from HR to h for the German language. If there is no entry present for the string "hr" in German, create a new one.