Cost data of the sub-project do not update cost data of the top project.Issue Cost data of the sub-project do not update the cost data of the top project. This could be due to a property named -> com.snc.project.rollup.cost, which is not active. Steps to reproduce:1. Create a project and add a cost plan to the project2. Create a sub-project and add a cost plan to the project3. Verify that in the related list of the top project both cost plans are available4. Go to the Financials Tab of the top Project (created at step 1)5. Cost data of the top project is not updated with cost pans of sub project as expectedCauseProperty named -> com.snc.project.rollup.cost is not active.ResolutionNavigate to "Project" -> "Settings" -> "Preferences - Project". Here you have an option "Enable project cost rollup (estimated and actual) - updating the cost of a project task will update the cost of its parent" this need to be checked.