User is unable to see the records in alm_hardware.list.Issue User is unable to see the records in alm_hardware.list.CauseOOB BR -"Asset query for agents" in the application "customer service" is preventing the user to access the alm_hardware table - / The business rule evaluates to true as the user have sn_customerservice_agent ( intern has the granular role sn_esm_agent)and the rule is pointing to CSQueryBRUtil(). Table alm_hardware extends alm_asses table which has a business rule "Asset query for agents" which gets executed since the conditiongs.hasRole('sn_esm_agent') gets satisfied.The query business rule executes CSQueryBRUtil().addAssetQueryforAgent(current), which add query condition accountISNOTEMPTY^ORprimary_contactISNOTEMPTYSince all the hardware has this Account or primary contact as empty, user cannot view the records.ResolutionPlease note that there is an extension point CSQueryExtensionInstanceOOB Designed for CSM Role configuration. Being called in CSQueryBRUtil to get all the role constants, including OOB role constants and user self customized role constants.