[Mobile] Need to enable "Use field values for reference lookup" for "Execution Script" in Action Item when using "SourceTable" "SourceFieldName" in Parameter Screen InputSummaryUsing "SourceTable" "SourceFieldName" to synchronize the same configuration from Data Dictionary usually Reference Qualifier.ReleaseQuebec and RomeInstructionsActivating Plugin "Mobile Time Sheets" to demonstrate in OOB. The "Time Card Management" will be activated as well. 1. Go to "task_for_task_work" Parameter Screen Input. 2. Remove all attributes. 3. Add attributes "SourceTable: time_card" and "SourceFieldName: task" to load the same dictionary configuration as "time_card.task". 4. Go to Now Mobile App. 5. Go to "My active time sheets". 6. Select a pending record if no click on the "+" button to create one. 7. Select the "Add from Category" function. 8. No task records are showing(Can see "Could not load the document" error on Android). Can find " GlideRecord.setTableName - empty table name" in the localhost logs. 9. Need to enable "Use field values for reference lookup" in the Action Item as a workaround. The Table field in the Action Item becomes mandatory.