Service Catalog Record Producer Redirection Issue for End UsersIssue The problem is that the service catalog record producer cannot be redirected to the created request record for end users, even though it works for admin profiles. Users who possess only snc_internal roles will be directed to the self-service catalog checkout view when they order an item from the self-service catalog. However, when these users click on the request number, they are not taken to any other form. In contrast, users with the appropriate roles are not facing this problem and can access the sc_request form.CauseThe snc_internal role has certain limitations and, on the sc_request form, users with this role are directed to the /ess or Self Service view, which in turn redirects them to the checkout view.Although the user in the checkout view is effectively taken to /ess on ui16, they are subsequently redirected back to the checkout view.ResolutionTo enable users with the snc_internal role to access the sc_request table, assign them an additional role called sn_request_read. This new role should have ACL read access to the sc_request table (ACL value: --none).Granting this access will permit the user to view the sc_request form without being redirected to the checkout view. This means that they will be able to access the sc_request form from sources other than /ess.