User Registration Configuration Registration Tab field name length issueDescriptionUser Registration Configuration when adding new field with more than 32 characters in the nameError in the pageError java.lang.NullPointerExceptionErrorScript source code logged to consoleErrorFailing widget: 'SC Catalog Item' (3c29786e87133200e0ef0cf888cb0bdf)Steps to Reproduce Go to instance RomeActivate plugin: External User Registration [com.sn_external_user_register]Go to External User Self-Registration > User Registration ConfigurationCreate NewGo to tab RegistrationAdd new field with more than 32 characters in the nameClick 'Preview registration Form'Error will show upscreenErrorjava.lang.NullPointerExceptionErrorScript source code logged to consoleErrorFailing widget: 'SC Catalog Item' (3c29786e87133200e0ef0cf888cb0bdf)Set this field to falseTry it againError will disappearWorkaroundDeactivate the field or use a name shorter than 32 characters If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In section to determine the latest version with a permanent fix your instance can be upgraded to.Related Problem: PRB1555421