About the message displayed: "Please select a project calculation type under preferences."Issue Question 1 : The following message was displayed when updating the record of "dmn_demand". "Please select a project calculation type under preferences." Question 2 : From what version was this feature enabled? (Rome, Quebec, earlier versions?) Question 3 : I think it's because the "Project calculation" in "dmn_demand" is blank. Is my perception correct? Question 4 : Also, I would like to disable the function that this behavior works, but what setting should I disable? I don't want to take the method of entering a value in "Project calculation".ReleaseQuebecResolutionAnswer 1 : The below message will be displayed when updating the record of "dmn_demand" due to the business rule: CheckCalculationType "Please select a project calculation type under preferences." Link for the business rule: https://.service-now.com/sys_script.do?sys_id=ceb6de76c7a210103e0d0ba4c7c26014 Answer 2 : Quebec Version The business rule "CheckCalculationType" was introduced as a fix for PRB1421328 https://support.servicenow.com/nav_to.do?uri=problem.do?sys_id=f0b3d1341bba1c10305fea89bd4bcb69 #Background of the PRB: PRB1421328 As an upgrade customer with an existing Demand, the Demand preferences > Project Calculation should be defaulted to Automatic. Note: If Demand is not completed and no project has been created, a script should be run to default the Demand preferences > Project Calculation to Automatic. Only have this selection available if type is project. If type is other than project, default is None. ****Screenshot attached : Demand preferences The 'DemandManagementQubecUpdateHelper' Script Include updates the Project Calculation field as automatic while upgrading the instance to Quebec It runs and adds the Project calculation as automatic for those Demand records which are Active=true, Type=Project and have Project=empty. Some information can be found in the Release Notes https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-release-notes/page/release-notes/it-business-management/project-portfolio-management-rn.html#d924059e464 ---------- .. Changed in this release Demand Management In the Demand form, the Project Calculation field is automatically set to Automatic when a demand is converted to a project. -------------------- Answer 3 : Yes Answer 4 : We do not recommend inactivating out of the box base system business rules This will be considered a customisation and a non standard implementation. These type of issues are outside the Scope of ServiceNow Technical Support. NOTE: If you have a business requirement to inactivate the business rule, the recommendation is to test and validate thoroughly on a sub production instance for any impact/issues.