Agent Workspace: Updating UserID of the user who has 'My Lists' in Agent workspace is not able to see any lists under "My Lists"Issue Updating UserID of the user who has 'My Lists' in Agent workspace is not able to see any lists under "My Lists" Steps to reproduce: 1. Log into any Quebec/Rome instance2. Impersonate any user who has Agent workspace access. For example, User 'A'3. Go to 'My Lists' and click '+ New list'4. Fill any valid details and save5. Now you should be able to see it in 'My lists' for User 'A'6. End Impersonation7. Change the UserID for the User 'A' (even changing the case from lower to upper will cause the issue)8. Now, Impersonate User 'A' and open Agent workspace9. Notice the list that was created in Step 4 is not seen under 'My Lists'CauseThe Created by field on 'sys_aw_my_list' is not a reference field. It is a string field. So, any updates to userid on sys_user will not be updated to the sys_aw_my_list records. This is working as designed.ResolutionThis is working as designed/Expected.