A survey dependent question does not display when clicking the display value of the survey question but displays when the image is clicked.DescriptionA survey dependent question does not display when clicking the display value of the survey question but displays when the image is clicked.Steps to Reproduce Tested on DemonightlyRome******************************1) Import the attached survey on to Latest Rome instance 2) Assign the survey to any user3) Impersonate the user who is assigned on the survey4) Go to "My assessments and surveys"5) Click on the survey created from step 2 and take the survey6) Notice the dependent question does NOT display when clicked on the text. But disaplys the dependent question when clicked on the image.***This is the exact issue reported on PRB1341395 which says it's fixed in New YorkWorkaroundClick on the image instead of the display value of the survey questionRelated Problem: PRB1538618