How are the Groups selected for display in the "Resources" Tab of the Scenario Planning WorkbenchIssue When viewing the "Resources" Tab in the Scenario Planning Workbench / Project Portfolio Workbench you will see a Heatmap which contains a List of Groups. This will look similar to the below image: The question answered by this article is how are the Groups selected to be displayed in this Heatmap?CauseThe Tasks which you have selected (ticked) in the "Resources" Tab will determine which Groups get displayed in the Heatmap. When the Selected Task has a Resource Plan associated to it. Then the Group for that Resource Plan will be added to the Heatmap as long as it is meeting the following criteria: The Resource Plan is linked to the Portfolio which you are viewingThe Task is selected in Grid (Meaning it's Resource Plans will be taken into consideration)The Resource Plan is set to 'resource_type' is 'User' OR 'Group'The Resource Plan Start Date and End Date fall within the Selected Planning Period (E.g. FY22) The above criteria can be validated on the Resource Plan [resource_plan] Table using a Query like below: The Portfolio should be replaced with your Desired PortfolioThe Start Date and End Date should also be replaced with your Selected TimeframeResolutionPlease ensure that your Resource Plans are meeting the above criteria to ensure they will get displayed in the Heatmap. You can see the Resource Plan Documentation Here for further information on creating these.