In Virtual Agent - how do you render the expected Custom Greetings and Setup.SummaryUnder Custom Greeting and Setups module, you can have multiple greetings defined for multiple portals. However, it is always recommended to use virtual agent from one portal at a given point in time. If the user is clicking on the virtual agent widget from multiple portals at the same time, the greetings message will not be shown as expected. Consider the scenario as below: There are 2 custom greeting and setup available for Portal A & Portal B.User clicks on virtual agent from Portal A, and the greetings for Portal A is rendered.The interaction or the conversation from this virtual agent is still running. The user has not clicked on End Conversation.The user now click on the virtual agent from Portal B. It shows the greetings configured for Portal A. Now this is an expected platform behavior. The reason being: You can have only one active interaction per user running at a given point in time.The interaction as mentioned above was triggered from Portal A, and therefore the custom greeting for Portal A will be followed.In an ideal use case, a user should have only one active interaction from virtual agent. You cannot have multiple interactions running from the virtual agent for the same user at the same time.Related LinksTo render the greeting message for Portal B, you need to: Click on End Conversation from the virtual agent in Portal A.Refresh or reload the page for Portal B, so that the backend dependencies are also refreshed and system knows that there are no ongoing interaction for the user.Click on the virtual agent widget from Portal B, and you should see the greeting message for Portal B. This is not only the case with portal. You can also validate the same from the browser console on the elements that are being called. If you check the screenshot below: The first screenshot has sysparm_portal which tells the system from which portal the virtual agent was triggered first, and which greetings to follow. Now if you see second screenshot, there is no parameter for the portal because we already have an active interaction ongoing for the user and system will follow the greetings as per the active interaction context.