Truncated source field values for config.file and queue.stats ECC Queue inputs break the "ECC Queue - process config file" and "MID - Process XMLStats" SensorsDescriptionTruncated source field values for config.file and queue.stats ECC Queue inputs break the "ECC Queue - process config file" and "MID - Process XMLStats" Sensors. Configuration parameters, Threads and Metrics will be missing from the MID Server record's related lists. After installation of MID server, or a restart, "config.file" ecc_queue input is sent to the instance to insert or update Configuration Parameters [ecc_agent_config].Every 10 minutes, each MID Server inserts a "queue.stats" input, to update ecc_agent_thread and the set of ecc_agent_metric extended tables. Those metrics should appear on the MID Server Dashboard memory/CPU graphs. Both of these sensors get the MID Server name from the "source" field, which is in the format <host_FQDN>:<MID_server_name>, and that can be longer than the 120 character limit of the ecc_queue field. var midName = String(current.source).split(":")[1]; This is likely to be seen with Kubernetes/Docker MID servers, which will have long automatically generated Names/FQDN. The challenge for kubernetes deployments for MID is that the host FQDN will be <pod>.<deployment>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.locSteps to Reproduce Deploy a MID server with the container e.g. Kubernetes, where FQDN is longer than 110 characters, and MID name is longer than 10 charactersorInstall Windows MID server with configuration file where MID name is longer then 110 characters, and MID host FQDN is longer than 10 characters Actual behaviour:Observe ecc_queue record source field values. Some will contain truncated mid server names compared to the name in the agent field.Configuration Parameters of newly installed MID server in the instance (ecc_agent_config table ) are not getting populated.Graphs for CPU/Memory of the MID Server will be missing from the dashboard. Expected behaviour:Name should be worked out correctly, and records inserted/updated.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. The problem line of code in the "ECC Queue - process config file" and "MID - Process XMLStats" business rules is: var midName = String(current.source).split(":")[1]; However the "MID - Heartbeat" business rule already does this differently, and uses an equivalent line of code that takes the MID Server Name from the Agent field: var midName = ('' + current.agent).substr('mid.server.'.length);Related Problem: PRB1552678