Alert Rule Management : condition "trend" in filter does not work since migration from global to scope application - Function getGlideObject is not allowed in scope sn_em_armDescriptionWith the upgrade to Rome, Global Alert Rule Management is deactivated and migration is done to scoped Alert Rule Management application.There is already an existing PRB1331685, regarding n "trend" condition in scope application decided not to be fixed.Steps to Reproduce 1. Create Alert Management Rule which contains condition "trend" in pre-Rome instance with sn_em_arm plugin installed and confirm that rule execution is working correctly 2. .Upgrade the instance to Rome version3. Create an event to trigger the Alert Management Rules. Action will not be triggered and the below warning is thrown in System logs: "com.glide.script.fencing.MethodNotAllowedException: Function getGlideObject is not allowed in scope sn_em_arm"Workaround1. Add GlideFilterMediator script include (attached) to the instance (sys_script_include_2de7279c1b9d09107cf110e2b24bcb24.xml)2. Go to EvtMgmtAlertMgmtProcess script include, function checkFilterand replace line 292 from "var isRuleGlideFilterMatch = new GlideFilter.checkRecord(alertGR, alertFilter);"to"var isRuleGlideFilterMatch = new global.GlideFilterMediator().checkRecord(alertGR, alertFilter);"Related Problem: PRB1552673