Creating a new knowledge article in a knowledge base set with a default value for 'Valid to' generates an invalid date error preventing the form to get savedDescriptionWhen creating a new knowledge article within a knowledge base that has a default value set for the 'Valid to' field, once this is populated automatically, the new article can not be saved. The article form throws the error: "Invalid Date".Steps to Reproduce 1 - Change the date format in user profile.2 - Set a default value for valid_to field in a chosen knowledge base.3 - Create a new knowledge article.4 - Select the knowledge base for which the default value is set.5 - Verify the valid_to date gets populated on the form as the default value.6 - Enter the required fields like short description.7 - Save the form and observe the operation fails with the error "Invalid Date".WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. As a workaround, for the [valid_to] field in the knowledge form, use getDisplayValue() to fill the default values from the knowledge base, as this will honour the user selected date format.Related Problem: PRB1547140