Playbook activity not triggering when condition all metIssue One of the playbook activity "Email enrolment link" from customer instance was skipped when Process Automation Designer (PAD) run but that activity has no run condition to constraint the action.CauseBy checking the execution logs (sys_pd_context table) the activity "Email enrolment link" being skipped due to condition to run returning false.Checking the condition to run field is empty when view the activity "Email enrolment link".But if check the record via "Show XML" from context menu, observe the condition to run field was filled with value.ResolutionSolution Proposed: 1. Navigate to the activity page. In this example i.e. "Email enrolment link" step2. Setting a random condition save the form then remove or unset the condition builder and Save the form again3. Click Show XML context menu and make sure the <condition to run> XML tag is empty4. Once the change being done and confirmed, Activate the process again