After upgrade to Quebec, Change Requests that have open Change Tasks can be closedDescriptionBuild information:All Quebec builds that DO NOT have the Change Management Best Practice - Jakarta plugin installed, or the Change Management Best Practice - Kingston pluginIssue Description:After the customer upgraded to Quebec, the system is allowing them to close Change Requests that still have related Change Tasks that are in open state. This did not occur prior to the upgrade.Steps to Reproduce In a Quebec instance that does not have the Change Management Best Practice - Jakarta plugin installed:1. Create a new Change Request2. Create child Change Tasks for the Change Request3. Progress the Change Request through to Review or Closed4. Note that the Change Request can be closed while the related Change Tasks are still in open state.Actual behavior: The Change Request can be closed while the related Change Tasks are still in open state.Expected behavior: Change Requests should not be able to be closed when there are open Change Tasks.WorkaroundIn order to apply the workaround you must override the "hasOpenTasks" function provided in "ChangeRequestSNC" script-include, by adding an updated version of the same function to the "ChangeRequest" script-include. Note the below code snippet shows where to place the copied "hasOpenTasks" function from the "ChangeRequestSNC" script-include into the "ChangeRequest" script-include. Note that this version of "hasOpenTasks" no longer checks for the installation of the "Change Management Best Practice - Jakarta" plugin, the cause of this issue. ChangeRequest.prototype = Object.extendsObject(ChangeRequestSNC, { initialize: function(changeGr) {, changeGr); }, hasOpenTasks: function() { var cTaskAgg = new GlideAggregate('change_task'); cTaskAgg.addQuery('change_request', this._gr.getUniqueValue()); cTaskAgg.addActiveQuery(); cTaskAgg.addAggregate("COUNT"); cTaskAgg.query(); if ( return (cTaskAgg.getAggregate("COUNT") > 0); return false; }, type: "ChangeRequest" }); Related Problem: PRB1531619