Android CSM portal form can not take input in "Activity" tab after switching tab in Standard Ticket TabDescriptionIn Android the CSM portal does not allow any input in the "Activity" tab after switching to Standard Ticket Tab.Steps to Reproduce 1. From an Android device go to the CSM Portal page /csm2. From the menu button (hamburger icon) navigate to Requests > ALL requests > All cases3. Open a case4. Switch to the Standard Ticket tab5. Select the Attachment tab6. Select the Activity tab6. Try to type something into the form fieldsWorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. The workaround is to refresh the form and go directly to the "Activity" tab to enter input.Related Problem: PRB1547380