Not able to publish AI Search profile - Boost action for query rule xxxx Field Indexing must have either the 'value' or 'contextField' field populatedIssue Not able to publish AI Search profile and the below message is found in logs: Boost action for query rule xxxx Field Indexing must have either the 'value' or 'contextField' field populated Steps to reproduce: 1. Open an existing AI search Profile. 2. Create a Result Improvement Rule. 3. Click "Create Boost action" 4. Chose the Boost type as "Boost by Feild Match(static)" 5. Fill all the fields but "Contains" Feild. 6. Click Submit. 7. Publish the AI search profile 8. You get an error message in the screen saying: "Failed to publish profile, please check logs for more details" 9. you can see the below error in logs: Boost action for query rule xxxx Field Indexing must have either the 'value' or 'contextField' field populated xxxx will have the field you used in the boost rule in step 5. CauseContains field is blank in the Boost rule, which cannot be left empty as it is required to do matching for a boost action.Resolution1. Please provide an appropriate value in the contains field on whichever value the boost rule should work on. 2. Publish the Profile again.