Fix error in ACLIssue The below warning occurs sporadically in the system logs: com.glide.script.RhinoEcmaError: Cannot find function includes in object . Access Control: 'sn_compliance_policy_exception.comments' : Line(5) column(0)2: var isManager = gs.getUser().hasRole('sn_compliance.manager') || gs.getUser().hasRole('sn_risk.manager');3: var answer = false;4:==> 5: if ((userId == current.opened_by + '') || isManager || current.watch_list.includes(userId))6: answer = true;CauseThis issue will happen for the records for which watch list is empty for the sn_compliance_policy_exception record. If the watchlist has some users, then this error will not come. This is happening because of using .includes() in front of watchlist on the below ACL. ==> 5: if ((userId == current.opened_by + '') || isManager || current.watch_list.includes(userId)) https://<instance_name> issue can be solved by using (current.watch_list + "").includes(userId) instead of current.watch_list.includes(userId) in the ACL.This is updated in the latest code for the 'GRC: Policy and Compliance Management' plugin which will be shipped in March 2022. Since there is no functional impact, our suggestion will be to wait and proceed with upgrading the plugin.