Multiple Incident Resolution SLAs show as breach is true despite not breach on the task sla tableIssue The incident is resolved within SLA, the SLA Timeline shows it as paused (as per the definitions) but the task gets breached on the incident as if the clock was still running until auto-closure.CauseCustom workflow configured on the SLA definition that has a Set Values workflow activity "Set Has Breached to True - AlwaysResolutionChecked some examples from the list. There seems to be 2 task SLAs but neither of them are breached. Has breached is false Analysis of the examples shows all calculations are correct. Found a custom workflow on the SLA definition that has a Set Values workflow activity "Set Has breached to true" Always OOB workflow doesn't have this. This is most likely why the task SLA Has Breach is being set to true Customer to review their custom workflow on the SLA definition/s and remove or amend the Set values activity that sets the Has breached value to true.