AIX Server Discovery Error: MULTIPLE_DUPLICATE_RECORDS Found duplicate records in table [cmdb_ci_hardware] using fields [serial_number]Issue Discovery failed with the below error in the discovery Logs. IP Address in payload is null - Name: null, ClassName: cmdb_ci_ibm_frame, Ip Address: null, 1. Copy the Input HorizontalDiscoveryProbe Payload 2. Check the Payload in the Identification Simulation and will observe the below error MULTIPLE_DUPLICATE_RECORDS Found duplicate records in table [cmdb_ci_hardware] using fields [serial_number] 3. In the Payload we observed Serial Numbers for LPAR and AIX server. 4. Navigate to the cmdb_ci_hardware table and check with LPAR Serial number and AIX Serial number to see if there are any duplicate entries. 5. Found LPAR has duplicate Serial number entries in the cmdb_ci_hardware table.Cause1. AIX Server Pattern has LPAR discovery in the Extension Section 2. When discovery is triggered, AIX server pattern is getting LPAR information as well. 3. We observed LPAR has duplicate Serial number(XXXX) records. 4. We have Duplicate Serial number entries for LPAR in the cmdb_ci_hardware, and as we are sending this AIX server and LAPR data together to IRE, the discovery was failing.Resolution1. Remove LPAR discovery from the AIX server Extension Section, run the discovery and it should work fine. 2. Customer needs to check why there are multiple entires for LPAR Serial number in cmdb_ci_hardware table. They could be created manually by users also.Related LinksTo Generate and simulate payload execution using identification simulation, Please refer to this Link