In Performance Analytics, clicking on Show Records button for an indicator in Analytics Hub does not show records though scores are showing for that indicatorDescriptionIn Performance Analytics, clicking on Show Records button for an indicator in Analytics Hub does not show records though scores are showing for that indicator. For e.g. in the OOB instance, for the indicator "Number of resolved incidents", if we notice the below screenshots, scores (1) exist for December and Show records also shows that 1 record. Whereas the scores (1) also exists for March but Show Records does not show that record. Release or EnvironmentALLInstructionsThe Show Records will show the records of the listed Sys ids from the pa_snapshots table. The property "" stores the Maximum number of sys IDs that are stored in a single Snapshot [pa_snapshots] record. A Snapshot record is created for each collected score, and a field in this record contains all the sys IDs of the records that contribute to the score. If this limit is exceeded, a Snapshot record is not created for this score. Go to pa_snapshots table and for the affected indicator and breakdown combination, pull the Sys ids columns in the selected column list and check how many unique Sys ids exists for that month and these number of records will be shown when you click on Show Records button in Analytics Hub. For e.g. if there are 5 unique Sys ids for the month of May 2020 for the affected indicator and breakdown combination, then only those 5 records with those Sys ids will be displayed when you click on Show Records button in Analytics Hub. This is expected behaviour. So in the above screenshot example, the pa_snapshots table does not have record for the March month for indicator "Number of resolved incidents" with breakdown and element combination whereas record with single Sys id exists for December month and hence the record is showing. The property "" controls the "Maximum number of periods prior to today for which lists of records (snapshots) related to a score are collected and kept" The Default value for this property: 183;26;13;10;15;8;5;5;5;3;3 183 is the maximum number of periods kept for the daily score collection frequency So if the affected indicator is a daily frequency, then pa_snapshots table will store the records of the Sys ids for maximum of 183 days. Additional InformationRefer the documentation Performance Analytics properties for more details about the properties "" and ""