Discovery of "OpaqueNetwork" with vCenter Probe/SensorIssue VMWare networks are not being discovered through the vCenter discovery.CauseWhat is VMWare Opaque Network? An opaque network was introduced in the vSphere API in version 5.5. This is a network that is managed by a control plane outside of vSphere. The identifier and name of this network is made known to vSphere so that a host and virtual machine ethernet device can be connected to them. How to confirm the Opaque Network? To confirm the affected network belongs to "OpaqueNetwork", follow the below steps: Open most recent discovery on vCenterCheck the input payload record for "VMWarevCenterDatacentersProbe" that triggers the "VMWarevCenterNetworksProbe", we can see that the network to be discovered has a type of "OpaqueNetwork" and not "Network".Example as below: "NSXNetwork" Network need to be discovered:{"type":"OpaqueNetwork","morid":"network-o32xxx","name":"NSXNetwork"}The ones we are discovering:{"type":"Network","morid":"network-792xx","name":"VMnet_xx"} ServiceNow doesn't discover "OpaqueNetwork" with vCenter Probe/Sensor.ResolutionDiscovery of "OpaqueNetwork" with vCenter Probe/Sensor is not supported OOTB in ServiceNow