Pinned Change models on the change landing page not staying pinned when the 'Clear Filter' button is clickedDescriptionWhen trying to pin models on the Change Request page, if you search for a pre-approved model and then pin one with (note you should see 'Clear Filters' button) it will remove other previously pinned items (depending on them being filtered out).Steps to Reproduce 1. In the filter navigator > Change > Create New(URL: / Move to the 'Models' tab and pin the normal change4. Navigate to 'Preapproved' tab and in the search bar for this page, search for a unique pre-approved Change and pin it5. Click the 'Clear Filters' next to the search bar6. Navigate back to the 'Pinned' tabExpected Behavior:The 'Pinned' tab shows the Normal model pinned, and the new pre-approved Change pinned.Actual Behavior:The 'Pinned' tab only shows the the new pre-approved Change pinned.WorkaroundModify UI Script: chgModelService sysId: 27a3cabc53d350100999ddeeff7b1223 From: chgModelService.togglePinned = function(sysId, isPinned) { var index = chgModelService.changeModels.__struct["pinned"].sysIds.indexOf(sysId); if (index !== -1) chgModelService.changeModels.__struct["pinned"].sysIds.splice(index, 1); else chgModelService.changeModels.__struct["pinned"].sysIds.push(sysId); $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models = chgModelService.changeModels.__struct["pinned"].sysIds.join(","); userPreferences.setPreference(ChgModelConstants.USER_PREFERENCE_PINNED, $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models); }; To: function togglePinned(pinnedArray, sysId) { if (!pinnedArray || !Array.isArray(pinnedArray) || !sysId) return pinnedArray; // remove empty strings WITHOUT a copy of array i.e. do NOT pinnedArray.filter(pinnedSysId => pinnedSysId); var len = pinnedArray.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) pinnedArray[i] && pinnedArray.push(pinnedArray[i]); pinnedArray.splice(0 , len); var index = pinnedArray.indexOf(sysId); if (index !== -1) pinnedArray.splice(index, 1); else pinnedArray.push(sysId); return pinnedArray; } chgModelService.togglePinned = function(sysId) { togglePinned(chgModelService.changeModels.__struct['pinned'].sysIds, sysId); if (typeof $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models !== 'string') $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models = ''; var newUserPrefPinnedChgModels = togglePinned($window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models.split(','), sysId).join(','); if (newUserPrefPinnedChgModels !== $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models) { $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models = newUserPrefPinnedChgModels; userPreferences.setPreference(ChgModelConstants.USER_PREFERENCE_PINNED, $window.NOW.chg_model_landing.pinned_change_models); } }; Related Problem: PRB1546179