Is it possible to change the style of comments when they appear in outbound email (Email Notifications)?SummaryShort answer is no in an OOB instance, but can be done with some customization. Here is the long answer. For OOB instances, you include comments and work notes by using the ${comments_and_work_notes} or comments only by using the ${comments} Notification Variables - see KB0830459, How to send only Additional Comments in the email Notification. Note that there is no way to configure the look/style of these notification variables. If you must update the style of the comments and work notes, then a customization will have to take place. The customization components are listed below: [1] Create an Email Script record that iterates through all comments to print their values and apply styling to them. For demonstration purposes only the first comment is printed using the script below: Name of this Email Script is "comments_with_style" and Script value is: (function runMailScript(/* GlideRecord */ current, /* TemplatePrinter */ template, /* Optional EmailOutbound */ email, /* Optional GlideRecord */ email_action, /* Optional GlideRecord */ event) { // Add your code here var comments = current.comments.getJournalEntry(1); template.print('<p style="color:red; font-family: arial, helvetica; sans-serif;">'); template.print(comments.substring(0,comments.indexOf("\n"))); template.print('<br>'); template.print(comments.substring(comments.indexOf("\n")+1)); template.print('</p>'); })(current, template, email, email_action, event); [2] To include this script in your Notification record add the following to the Notification's 'Message HTML' field value: ${mail_script:comments_with_style} More information on Email Scripting see: Note: unfortunately, due to this being a customization, assistance from ServiceNow Support is limited when applying this solution to your instance.