Search action button is visible without label on record producer results when show on new is falseDescriptionThe button showing with no label on search actions of Catalog Items within record producer results when show_on_new field of the search action configuration is false. The button should not be shown.Steps to Reproduce 1- Install the required plugins:- Legal Service Management CMS Portal- Legal Service Management- Service Management Core- Legal: Request Management- Legal: LPA: Stock Preclearance2- Go to the employee center under Self-Service.3- Search for general legal request and open that request.4- Type in stock into the summary description box.Observe the empty button appears on the contextual_search results for each request entry.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. Possible workarounds:1.1. Go to System Definition > Scripts - Background1.2. Next to "Run Script" button, Set the scope to Global1.3. Copy this script on the script body (Run script (JavaScript executed on server))var gr = new GlideRecord('cxs_ui_action_config'); gr.get('e3e3ec4a0f932300c408682d4c767e43'); gr.setValue('show_on_new', 'true'); gr.update();1.4. Click on "Run Script" button 2.1. Navigate to the cxs-result-catalog Angular ng template:/ Replace the line:<a class="btn btn-default sc-btn" ng-href="{{result.related_links[0].sp_link+'&referrer=contextual_search'}}" ng-attr-aria-label='{{i18n.format(, result.title)}}'>{{orderActionDetails(result).actionLabel}}</a>with the following, essentially adding an ng-if to the <a> tag:<a ng-if="!!orderActionDetails(result)" class="btn btn-default sc-btn" ng-href="{{result.related_links[0].sp_link+'&referrer=contextual_search'}}" ng-attr-aria-label='{{i18n.format(, result.title)}}'>{{orderActionDetails(result).actionLabel}}</a>Related Problem: PRB1545548