Agents from a specific queue / Chats from specific Queues in AWA Operations Dashboard that are not visibleIssue This KB talks about Agents from a specific queue / Chats from specific Queues in 'AWA Operations Dashboard' that are not visible.This behavior is observed on new or old AWA queues before the Plugin is installed for a specific service channel. ReleaseAllCauseThe most possible root cause is that the 'Group Queue Priorities' related list of the affected Queue doesn't have the Group added which is in the 'Assignment Eligibility'ResolutionAdd 'Group Queue Priorities' in the related list of the affected Queue as it's not the default form view.Ideally, the Groups that are added to the 'Assignment Eligibility' should also have been added to the 'Group Queue Priorities' related list.But it's not. So to add it, need to first add the 'Group Queue Priorities' to the related list as it's not added by default to the form.Add a new record to the 'Group Queue Priorities' and associate the same group from the 'Assignment Eligibility'Now navigate to the AWA Operations DashboardObserve the Queue and the group members are visible in the Queue manager/team manager tabs of the dashboard.Related LinksPlease refer to the Document to know more about Advanced Work Assignment dashboard for operations.