"Introduction" and "End note" of Post-chat Survey are shown as broken images on Microsoft TeamsDescription"Introduction" and "End note" HTML fields of Post-chat Survey are shown as broken images on Microsoft Teams. The fields fail to get converted and no images are created in the "sys_attachment" table.The following error can be seen in the localhost logs:18:18:00.050 Error glide.cs.worker.83 SYSTEM txid=d9378713dbf7 SEVERE *** ERROR *** [Context] ConversationId: 2d1783dfdbb77c10b04ad4bdd396195d [OutputHtmlRichControlUtil] java.lang.SecurityException: Illegal access to record:sys_cs_conversation with sysId:2d1783dfdbb77c10b04ad4bdd396195d: Error converting HTML to Image messageId : 6d37cb13dbf77c10b04ad4bdd3961957Steps to Reproduce Required plugins:- Glide Virtual Agent [Pro Licensing] [com.glide.cs.chatbot]- Agent Chat[com.glide.interaction.awa]- Conversational Integration with Microsoft Teams [ sn_va_teams ] - Microsoft Teams Graph Spoke (Store Plugin) [ sn_msteams_ahv2 ]- MS Teams - App Core[ com.snc.msteams.app.core]1. Set up MS Teams.2. Enable Post-Chat Survey "Service Desk Post Chat Survey of the Agent Chat Queue for Chat Channel.Requester Ended: true3. Set "Introduction" and "End note" for Survey "Service Desk Post Chat Survey".4. Log in the Workspace as an agent. 5. Set to Chat available.6. Log in Microsoft Teams as an end-user.7. Type "hi" to start a conversation.8. Select "Live Agent Support".9. Accept the Chat from the agent end on the Workspace.10. Type "bye" on Microsoft Teams to end the Chat.11. Complete Survey on Teams. The "Introduction" and "End note" are shown as broken images.WorkaroundThis problem has no workaround, is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1545935