Service Portal KB Article Back buttonIssue On the service Portal ,the user follows the below sequence to reach a certain article Knowledge base => Category=> Article However, in order to read the next article when the user clicks on the back button, placed in the top left corner, instead of going to the previous filtered-out list the user reaches the first page that did not have any filters. This may be asked to change however it's not a possibility as it is appended to the URL in the browser. Hence, leading the user back to the page where the initial selections were made. ResolutionThe site URL is updated each time a selection is made. When selecting a Knowledge Base the URL is updated, appending the information about the specific Knowledge Base that was selected. Afterward, the same thing happens when a category within the Knowledge Base is selected, even more information is appended to the URL about the specific category that was selected. This category information is added in addition to the KB information in the URL. Once the user has selected an article the URL is updated to the location of that specific article. At this point the back button in the module will work the same as the browser's back button, it will only take you to the previous page. In this case, it will revert to the KB and category selections previously made.This is the expected behavior of this module and it has been confirmed that this cannot be changed.To view all categories after hitting the back button within the module, the user will need to select the "Clear" button next to the Category label located at the left side of the page.