Newly generated Fiscal Periods doesn't append month name as suffixesDescriptionWhile generating Fiscal Periods using 'Fiscal Calendar > Generate' module, the calendar months and quarters are coming up as expected with the dates but not with the month prefixes. Out of the box demo data included month suffixes: FY21: M01-Jan or FY21: M12-Dec Generated Fiscal periods do not include month suffixes FY21: M01 or FY21: M12Release or EnvironmentQuebec+CauseThis is expected behavior. Starting in Quebec, demo data of Fiscal Periods is added to the system with suffixed 'Month' values such as Jan, Feb, Mar, Dec, etc (FY21: M01-Jan). This is only true for Demo Date while when new Fiscal periods are generated, their names are without suffixed month, i.e.: FY21: M01. Since the Fiscal Period 'Name' field is a string value, it may be modified based on use case desire. That means that even though the generated Fiscal Periods will be sans Month suffix, those may be added after the fact as desired.Note: It is VERY important that no other values such as Start/End date time or Fiscal start/end date time are modified. These values are extremely important and crucial for the working functionality of Project, Cost, Resource and more. ResolutionThe Fiscal Periods you see that append with Month labels 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', etc are only Demo data. Pre-Quebec, that demo data (our Fiscal Period demo data) did NOT include the month suffix. Quebec and onward Demo Date DOES include that. However, it is ONLY the Demo Data that contains the suffix. Generating new Fiscal Periods will not create the suffix. That being said, the NAME field for a Fiscal Period is only a string field and, after confirming with our Devs, it is OK for you to update those as needed. So in summary, creating NEW Fiscal Periods will not append with a Month suffix (expected) but you CAN update the 'Name' field of the Fiscal Period to apply that suffix as needed.