What changes the Location attribute on CMDB CI records?SummaryYou may be wondering what is changing the Location field on CIs. This KB hopes to explain some possible out-of-box behaviours that would do this. In general, the Location is derived from the "Assigned To" user's location. The "Update location as needed" insert/update business rule keeps the location updated when the user is set/changed. Where CIs are linked to Assets, the changes may come from the Asset Management side. The Client Scripts "Set Loc/CC/Dep/Com from assigned to" and "Set Location from stockroom" will set the location based on the Assignee's, or the Stockroom's location, depending on whether the asset is assigned yet. The Asset to CI synchronization field mapping will then make the same changes on the linked CI. Discovery Schedules that have a Location set will set that location on any CIs Discovery creates or updates. That can sometimes be confused by cloud or virtual hardware, when the datacenter or ESX Server location isn't where you want it to be. In some cases Discovery will attempt to set the Assigned To user based on the current/last logged in user that is seen when scanning the CI, but only if it can match that username to a sys_user record in the instance. Where SSO/LDAP integrations are used for authentication, that is possible, as the AD user will also be the instance user. That can run the risk of an IT user's location being set instead if work was done overnight shortly before a discovery scan. The Windows Patterns get this from Win32_ComputerSystem UserName.