Discovery Error - Discovery could not be executed due to missing pattern. Synchronize the pattern with the Mid Servers and try again.Issue Running discovery using the Netscaler Load Balancer pattern fails with below error: SEVERE *** ERROR *** (32)HorizontalDiscoveryProbe - Discovery using patterns could not be executed due to missing pattern Netscaler Load Balancer. Synchronize the pattern with the Mid Servers and try again The Pattern sync to MID Server is completed and the MID servers are restarted, but the error still appears and the discovery fails. MID Server agent logs show below errors: 1/24/21 12:48:43 (504) FileSync:sa_pattern Starting file synchronization: sa_pattern11/24/21 12:48:44 (286) FileSync:sa_pattern WARNING *** WARNING *** Could not get file sync snapshot because: Error: user not authorized to read synchronization target table: sa_pattern.11/24/21 12:48:44 (286) FileSync:sa_pattern Finishing file synchronization: sa_pattern.11/24/21 12:48:44 (286) FileSync:sa_pattern Setting countdown to 300 seconds in com.service_now.mid.filesync.NdlFileSyncer.11/24/21 12:48:51 (909) FileSync:sa_pattern DEBUG: https://<your-instance> took 762311/24/21 12:48:52 (472) FileSync:sa_pattern DEBUG: https://<your-instance> took 547 11/24/21 12:48:52 (472) Worker-Interactive:HorizontalDiscoveryProbe-5bb936098708c95080d8f3aacebb3598 SEVERE *** ERROR *** (32)HorizontalDiscoveryProbe - Discovery using patterns could not be executed due to missing pattern Netscaler Load Balancer. Synchronize the pattern with the Mid Servers and try againReleaseRome patch 1CauseCustom ACL blocking the MID Server user access to the sa_pattern table. ResolutionAs per the error message from the agent logs, the MID user was not able to access the sa_pattern table.Due to this, the pattern fails with the synchronize error.Go to sa_pattern table>ACL>for the Read access to sa_pattern, add the MID server role as per screenshot belowDo the pattern sync to MID server after the above step and run the discoveryThis should help to resolve the reported error