Why is the field changes of a table are not shown in the activity stream of a form ?Issue Why is the field changes of a table are not shown in the activity stream of a form ?ReleaseALLCauseThe audit field is not enabled for the table and hence the field changes are not shown in the activity stream of a form. For e.g. refer the below screenshot for the table Personal Computers (cmdb_ci_pc_hardware) where the audit field is false for the Collection Type ResolutionGo to the dictionary entry of that particular table for the Collection TypeChange the Audit field to TrueNow make any changes in the form of that table Now it will capture the field changes in the activity stream of that form For e.g. refer the below screenshot where the Audit field is set to True for the table Personal Computers (cmdb_ci_pc_hardware) for the CollectionType Related LinksRefer the documentation Enable auditing for a table for more details about how auditing works.