Create child incident in MIM Workbench doesn't apply 'com.snc.incident.copy.attributes' propertyIssue Create child incident in MIM Workbench doesn't apply 'com.snc.incident.copy.attributes' property when you create a child incident from the Workbench. Steps to Reproduce: GO TO incident propertiesUPDATE property com.snc.incident.copy.attributes to remove short_description attributeGO ON a major incident (form view), use UI Action [Create child incident] (or using related list), short_description is not filledSwitch to view workbench, use UI Action [child incident/Create] short_description is filledReleaseQuebecCauseThis is the expected behavior.ResolutionShort description on child incident is being populated from MIM workbench ui code, irrespective of "com.snc.incident.copy.attributes" value.This is intensionally done as story implementation, this is the expected behavior.