Capability to Discover Apps installed on the Kubernetes Pods.SummaryAs of now, we are only Discovering the below components from Kubernetes Discovery. Request to Discover applications installed on the Kubernetes Pods similar to AWS and Azure resource inventory. Data collected by Discovery during horizontal discovery Table and fieldDescriptionKubernetes Cluster [cmdb_ci_kubernetes_cluster]The configuration item that represents the Kubernetes deployment with all its component.nameThe name of the kube-controller-manager leader.ip_addressThe identifier for the host_ip of the kubernetes apiserver.port The identifier for the kubernetes apiserver port. namespaceThis value shows the namespaces the system passed in the Kubernetes Discovery Configuration.event_timestampThe timestamp of the latest event created on this Kubernetes cluster at the time of the discovery.Kubernetes Node [cmdb_ci_kubernetes_node]The virtual aspect of the kubernetes node. Data relating to the physical aspect of the kubernetes node is stored under Linux server.nameThe name of the kubernetes node. The format can be only the name of the machine or the full name consisting of the name and the hostname: <name>.<hostname> .k8s_uidThe identifier for the kubernetes node UUID.operational_statusThe operational status of the kubernetes node.Kubernetes Service [cmdb_ci_kubernetes_service] nameThe name of the kubernetes service.selectorThis value shows the selector. The system uses this parameter to create the relation between the kubernetes service and the kubernetes pod.namespaceThe kubernetes namespace to which this kubernetes service belongs.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes service UUID.Kubernetes Pod [cmdb_ci_kubernetes_pod]nameThe name of the Kubernetes pod.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes pod UUID.resourceVersionThe resource version of the Kubernetes pod.namespaceThe Kubernetes namespace to which this Kubernetes pod belongs.Docker Container [cmdb_ci_docker_container]The component that runs the docker image.stateThe state of the Kubernetes docker container.container_idThe unique identifier for the Kubernetes docker container.namespaceThe kubernetes namespace to which this Kubernetes docker container belongs.Docker Image [cmdb_ci_docker_image]An executable package of an application and its related software that can be instantiated by a docker container.image_idThe identifier for the Kubernetes docker image.nameThe name of the Kubernetes docker image.image_urlThe url for downloading the docker image.namespaceThe kubernetes namespace to which this Kubernetes docker image belongs.Linux Server [cmdb_ci_linux_server]The server that hosts the Kubernetes node.nameThe name of the Linux server powering the Kubernetes node.hostnameThe hostname of the Linux server.osThe operating system deployed on this Linux server.kernel_releaseThe version of the Linux kernel operating system deployed on this Linux server.ramThe size of RAM installed on this Linux server.ip_addressThe IP address of the Linux server.Key Value [cmdb_key_value]This configuration item contains Kubernetes labels. Labels are key/value pairs that are attached to objects, such as pods.keyThe key of the kubernetes pod or Kubernetes service Key Value parameter.valueThe value of the kubernetes pod or Kubernetes service Key Value parameter.Kubernetes Volume [cmdb_ci_kubernetes_volume]k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.mount_pathThe path for accessing this Kubernetes volume.nameThe name of the Kubernetes volume.namespaceThe Kubernetes namespace to which this Kubernetes volume belongs.volume_idThe ID of the Kubernetes volume.OpenShift Deployed Configuration [cmdb_ci_openshift_dep_conf]nameThe name of the OpenShift Deployment configuration.namespaceThe name of the namespace containing the deployment configuration.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift deployed configuration.OpenShift Build Config [cmdb_ci_openshift_build_conf]nameThe name of the OpenShift build configuration.namespaceThe name of the OpenShift namespace containing the build configuration.k8sThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift build configuration.OpenShift Source2Image [cmdb_ci_openshift_source_2_image]nameThe name of the OpenShift source image.toRelated image.parent_idThe ID of the OpenShift source image.OpenShift Route [cmdb_ci_openshift_route]nameThe name of the OpenShift route.namespaceThe name of the namespace containing the OpenShift route.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift Route.hostThe target host of the OpenShift route.portThe target port of the OpenShift route.OpenShift Group [cmdb_ci_openshift_group]nameThe name of the OpenShift Group.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift Group.OpenShift User [cmdb_ci_openshift_user]nameThe name of the OpenShift user.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift user.full_nameThe full name of the OpenShift user.OpenShift Project [cmdb_ci_openshift_project]nameThe name of the OpenShift project.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift Project.OpenShift Image [cmdb_ci_openshift_images]nameThe name of the OpenShift Image.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift Image.docker_image_metadata_idThe ID of the docker image.docker_image_metadata_parent_idThe ID of the image parent ID.archArchitecture of the image.sizeThe image size.hostnameThe hostname related to the image.OpenShift Image Stream [cmdb_ci_openshift_images_stream]nameThe name of the OpenShift Image Stream.k8s_uidThe Kubernetes volume UUID.urlThe URL of the OpenShift Image StreamnamespaceThe name of the namespace containing the OpenShift image stream.OpenShift Docker Image Repository [cmdb_ci_openshift_docker_images_repository]nameThe name of the Openshift docker image repository.parent_IDThe ID of the parent system. Related LinksAn Idea has been already created for the same. Please refer to Capability to Discover Apps installed on the Kubernetes Pods.