Clicking on a KB which opens an attachment download does not count towards the KB view countIssue If there is an article in itself does not have any content and has 'Attachment link' checked on the knowledge then attachment directly gets downloaded this causes kb_use to not get updated. So when we click on the article from the list it downloads the attachment instead of opening the article. This is not considered as a "view" of the article as per the OOTB implementation. This is an attachment read and not an article view.ReleaseAnyCauseWhen the agents are clicking on the article they are basically downloading the attachment. They are not opening the article using the kb_view page to view the content of the article. Hence it is not considered as a "view". Whenever an article is opened using a URL - https://<instance-name> the view will always be logged.ResolutionThis is the expected OOB behavior.