Policy state does not change to published in GRC Policy and Compliance ManagementDescriptionIn GRC: Policy and Compliance Management, even after a policy Approval request is approved, the Policy state does not change to Published.Steps to Reproduce This issue is only intermittently reproducible by installing "GRC: Policy and Compliance Management" in instances since New York patch 9, Paris patch 9 hot fix2a, Quebec patch 4 hot fix 2. Navigate to 'Policy and compliance' -> Policies and Procedures -> Policies.Create a new policy by filling the required fields (Name, Valid to, Reviewers) and Approvers.Click on 'Ready for review' UI action.Impersonate as reviewer and click on the 'Request approval' UI action.This will trigger the workflow and approval record will be created in the policy Approvals related list.Impersonate as Approver and navigate to 'My policy approvals' and approve the request.While approving the request, the below error will be thrown and policy get stuck in 'Awaiting approval' state. Exception: (TypeError: Cannot read property "state" from null (sys_script.8b6e879e0aafa92301ed77c6c7187a5b.condition; line 1)) occured while evaluating'Condition: (current.state.changesFrom('approved') || current.state.changesFrom('rejected')) && current.state.changesTo('requested')' in business rule 'SNC - Run parent workflows (Unapproved)' on sysapproval_approver: Policy: test snc; skipping business ruleWorkaroundNavigate to System Definition -> Script Includes Open the "GRCKnowledgeBase" script includeSearch for "_getMarkup" methodComment/Remove the below line of code in the "_getMarkup" method and save the record controller.removeGlobal('current') Related Problem: PRB1446448