Related List title is cropped or cutDescriptionBuild information:Affected Build: glide-rome-06-23-2021__patch2-09-23-2021Not Affected Build: Quebec and ParisEnviroment: BrowserIssue Description:Related List title detail is cropped or cut on any record. Please see Screen Shot 2021-11-01 at 1.47.33 pm.png for further illustrationSteps to Reproduce 1. In any OOB instance, go to Workspace Experience > Workspaces > Agent Workspace Home2. Open any record in the list. (e.g. Lists > Requests > Open Requests > REQ0000001)Expected Result: Request title will completely show.Actual Result: R and t in the Request title are partially cropped or cut. Please see Screen Shot 2021-11-01 at 1.47.33 pm.png for further illustration.WorkaroundUnfortunately, there is no workaround being present for this issue:The instance needs to be upgraded to San Diego once it is being available.Related Problem: PRB1536749